Wednesday, November 3, 2010

My Gundam Seed Duo

BB #280 Force impulse

Comes with stand, shield, and beam rifle

Pictures are too bright, some decals aren't as visible ><

Force Silhouette with 2X beam saber

Side view

Impulse Gundam without silhouette

BB #257 Freedom

Again, too much lighting ><

"Full Burst Mode" with 2X rail cannon and plasma beam cannon

Side view, maybe I should have the angle close to 45 degrees

Last resort, had to use the default stickers, no decals I could buy

First up is BB Unicorn

Red is the perfect color of choice for the Display stand

Aside from the Beam Saber and shield, it also comes with Beam Gatling Gun


Back side with 2X beam saber (sorry too much lighting)

Unicorn mode front view

Unicorn mode Back view

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Back to the Future

After spending hours on the BB Senshi Sangokuden models, I finally get to have a shot at the futuristic SD Gundams. With Force Impulse as my first kit, as you can see it is a W.I.P. and there are no decals on it either. It will provide me an opportunity to try different decal applying methods before detailing the Master Grades.

Tenshihou Shiba-i Sazabi (天熾鵬 司馬懿)

Aside from chest piece and shoulders, his helm also has a face attachment used for combining with another kit (not in picture)

Sonsaku Physalis Gundam (孫策)

Work In Progress

Saturday, May 15, 2010


As I am finishing Sonsaku Physalis Gundam (孫策), there is also a Tenshihou Shiba-i Sazabi (天熾鵬 司馬懿) W.I.P. on the way. After these, we will probably switch gears and change it up a little. Our focus will most likely be either playing around with SD kits that are none three kingdoms such as Seed/Seed destiny, japanese BB senshi, or possibly one of these:

I don't think I have came across anything that has better box art than Gundams

Friday, May 14, 2010

Two Kits, Two Eyes, One Crab

First one was done by me, the later was done by gf. He can transform into deliciousness while not limited to walking sideways, intimidating I'd say.

Chouryou Gelgoog (張遼), loved the color combination, also one of few pictures that turned out decent

Taishiji Dom (太史慈), can definitely tell the resemblance to the respective character it is suppose to portray

His support unit, also doubles as enhancing armor


His milkshake may not bring all the boys to the yard.....and I have no idea how that was going to transition, but he's got a crab shell back

Wanted: Zhang Fei's well deserved beard

Don't ask me why they decided only one of the sworn brothers' SD counter part has facial hair, but they still look great, so oh well *shrug*

Kan-u Gundam (關羽), his boots and shoulders are my favorite things on this kit (a pain to panel line though)

Chouhi Gundam (張飛), gf's brother did this one

Picture sucks but still love him

Sousou not only conquered the battlefield, but from color scheme to the armor design, it decimated all the other BB Sengokuden Gundams. He remains to be my #1, until the Shin Sousou with the silver wing cape gets released this summer.

Sousou Gundam (曹操), "Speak of Cao Cao, and Cao Cao arrives!"

His cape can be posed in several ways

Learn from my mistakes

Jumping from one completed kit into the next, even with my undying love for Gundams, aspiration slowly dissipates. But Sonken was a breath of fresh air, or at least I thought it would be. What started as a model on sale ($6 dollars, you can't beat that), that looked unique yet simple, got me psyched. However, this kit gave the term "tough love" a whole new meaning. I apologize for the lack of pictures but here are a few things I had learned:

1) This kit was poorly designed, mainly the visor piece, even if I gave it the benefit of the doubt that it was just my kit that was rotten, a different mechanic should have been placed. It was intended to be movable, but it is flimsy and hard to stay where its suppose to.

2) When using masking tape, to help create a clean line for spraying/painting, DO NOT cheap out and use ones for house paint. Go out, buy yourself some nice ones (Tamiya ones are great) because you'll have an easier time sticking/removing the tape, and 99 percent of the time it will stop paint from penetrating.

3) Shoulders, helms, capes, and all other parts with an underlying side, please plan ahead with them. I cemented the shoulder piece without realizing I didn't paint the underside, and now the plastic yellow sticks out like wet armpit stains

4) Stop, simply stop. When you're tired or burnt out, just give yourself a break, even when you really want to finish a kit or get to another. Rushing, being impatient, and taking shortcuts will only give unsatisfying results which takes longer to fix, or wastes the money you spent on the model.

Sonken Gundam (孫権)

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Next Up

This batch of kits, along with the first few, were definitely a learning process for us, a good one I might add. Playing with different types of paints, markers, etc. Every completed model, I can always find something I am unsatisfied with, and it will remind me what NOT to do on the next kit.

Shuuyu Hyakushiki (周瑜), one of my favorite characters in Three Kingdoms

Souhi Gundam (曹丕), gf did a good job lining the swords

Cao Pi's cape makes him one of my favorites

Sonshoukou Gerbera (孫尚香), she has many expressions and other accessories.

Long Overdue Update

After searching far and wide for a usable light tent, finally I can put up some pictures. The following few posts will be kits my gf and I have completed for quite some time now.

Bachou Blue Destiny (馬超)

His back piece and arm blade can be combined with weapon

Shukuyuu Gundam (祝融)

She can also "transform," Demon!

Last but not least Moukaku Gundam (孟獲)

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

The beginning

A few weeks ago, a store's clearance sale and regretting years of leaving Perfect Grades to collect dust under my bed, I have finally found an outlet.

Transforming dinner table into workstation

Result of the first weekend, gf and friend built the one on a horse (吕布)